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Information on cookies and surfing the website
This WEB site belongs to F.lli Alberto e c. S.n.c. based in Località Le Pont n. 2 - 11015 La Salle (AO), which processes the data collected through the site itself as Data Controller. The Data Controller guarantees the security, confidentiality and protection of the data in its possession, or those that will be in its possession, at any stage of the processing process, in compliance with the rules established by GDPR 2016/679 and in compliance with business secrecy. The website may offer links or references to other third-party websites over which the Data Controller has no control. Such links if present are provided for the convenience of the users of this site and the Data Controller assumes no responsibility in relation to such sites, as does not provide information about the accuracy or completeness of the information contained therein.

This information is given to people who access and consult the site, pursuant to art. 13 GDPR 2016/679- "European Regulation on the protection of personal data". This cookie policy therefore describes how F.lli Alberto e c. S.n.c. uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and store information when the user visits the website or receives emails from the Data Controller.

Method of treatment
The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
This is information that by their very nature can, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow you to identify users.
This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but that by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow to identify users.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names from which visitors to the Site connect, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user.

Cookie policy
The website uses session and permanent, technical, analytical and profiling cookies to collect and store certain information about the user. A cookie is a small data file that the website sends and saves on the hard drive of the computer and/or device of the user (hereinafter referred to as "computer"); subsequently, when the user accesses the website, cookies saved on your computer will send information to the person who sent them.
Session cookies are used, for example, to browse the website without having to enter the access data again and are then deleted from the user’s computer once the browser is closed. Permanent cookies remain on the user’s computer after the browser is closed, but can be deleted at any time using the browser settings. Cookies are also divided into "first party cookies" and "third party cookies". First-party cookies are set directly on the user’s computer, with the sole purpose of recognizing it on subsequent visits.
Third-party cookies are sent by an independent service provider that operates on behalf of the Data Controller and may be used by that third-party service provider to recognize you when you visit the website or third-party sites. Although the Data Controller may allow third-party service providers to access the website to send these cookies to users' computers in accordance with applicable laws, as explained in this cookie policy, the Data Controller does not control the information collected by cookies nor does it retain access to such data that are immediately communicated to third parties who collect them.
This information is controlled entirely by the third-party service provider in accordance with its respective privacy policy. To learn more about cookies, please visit: or
By using this website, you consent to the use and communication of cookies not associated with transactions as decrypted in this policy, unless you revoke such consent and prevent its use by changing your computer’s technical settings as described below:

How to disable or delete cookies
If you want to prevent your browser from accepting cookies, you want to be informed whenever a cookie is stored on your computer or delete cookies already present, make appropriate changes using your Internet browser settings, generally accessible from the "Help" or "Internet Options" sections. Refer to the links below:

Microsoft Edge

If you disable or delete cookies via your Internet browser settings, some of the functions or features of this website may not be accessible; In addition, you may be asked to re-enter your access data and your general use of the website may be limited. If you delete all cookies from your browser or use another browser or computer, you will have to complete the procedure again to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies.

Purpose of the use of cookies
  • Session cookies store relevant information along with your IP address and cookie identification code. These session cookies are cookies associated with the transactions necessary for the use of the website and the use of which does not require the user’s consent.
  • The Data Controller may also set a permanent cookie the first time the user visits the website, in order to recognize him as a visitor. This cookie is updated with a date and time indicator every time the user returns to the website, and stores information about the pages viewed to possibly show the user personalized information based on the preferences previously detected.

Cookies used
The site uses technical cookies to ensure the correct functioning and the user’s browsing experience.
The site does not use profiling cookies.
The Site managed by the Data Controller may send Third Party cookies belonging to the following types:
- Cookie Analytics: these cookies are used to collect and analyze aggregated and anonymous information for statistical analysis on access and visits to the websites of F.lli Alberto and c. S.n.c. in order to improve the performance and design of the same. The Site uses Analytics. Where appropriate, the information generated by the cookie on the use of the site is transmitted to the provider of Analytics and deposited at its servers, for the purpose of producing reports on the activities of the site, intended for the Owner or subjects appointed by it. You can refuse the provision of browsing data by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser.

In this regard, please refer to the information published on the website of the Analytics provider and the additional component of the browser for the deactivation of Analytics.

Social media tools
The website may offer access to social media tools provided by social networking platforms such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Twitter. The user who decides to use these tools by activating a social media tool can share certain personal data with their friends and those social networking platforms. Sharing activities are subject to the privacy policies of each social network. Specifically, Facebook social network tools are also offered to allow Facebook to share information and activities of friends with its registered users while browsing our website.

Purpose of processing
In order to offer a quality service, the site requires certain information from the browser. These are navigation preferences, logins and pages that are frequently viewed. This information helps to better understand the needs of users, in order to offer a better service. In particular, the navigation data acquired by the Data Controller are used only for the purposes of:
  • offer a better service following the preferences expressed by the user during navigation;
  • obtain statistical and completely anonymous information on the use of the site;
  • verify the correct functioning of the site;
Legal basis of processing
The use of technical cookies is a processing carried out in the legitimate interest of the Data Controller; the use of the remaining cookies is carried out with the consent of the data subject.

Recipients of data
The personal data processed by the Data Controller are not disclosed, or are not given to indeterminate subjects, in any possible form, including that of their provision or simple consultation. They can, instead, be communicated to the workers working for the Data Controller, to the external subjects who collaborate with it designated as Data Processors or authorized to the processing as operating under the authority of the Data Controller.
They may also be communicated, to the extent strictly necessary, to individuals who for the purpose of processing your requests must provide goods or perform on behalf of the Data Controller services or services. Finally, they can be communicated to persons entitled to access them by virtue of laws, regulations and Community regulations.
In particular, on the basis of the roles and duties performed, the workers have been entitled to process your personal data, within the limits of their competences and in accordance with the instructions given to them by the Data Controller.
The external subjects operating under the authority of the Data Controller have also been duly authorised according to the type of service provided, the processing carried out, the nature of the data processed. The external subjects to whom the Data Controller has entrusted the processing of personal data have been designated Data Processors.

Data transfer
Under no circumstances does the Data Controller transfer personal data to third countries or international organisations. However, it reserves the right to use services in the cloud; in which case, the service providers will be selected from those who provide adequate guarantees, as required by art. 46 GDPR.

Data retention
The Data Controller stores and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes indicated. In this case, the navigation data is stored until overwritten.

Withdrawal of consent
With reference to art. 7 of GDPR 2016/679, the data subject may revoke consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent will block the use of analytical cookies without compromising navigation. In any case, the interested party can stop browsing the site at any time. Refusal to provide data The data subject may refuse to provide the Data Controller with his navigation data. To do this, you must disable cookies following the instructions provided by your browser. Disabling cookies can worsen the navigation and use of the site’s functionality.

Rights of the data subject
With reference to art. 15 - right of access, 16 - right of rectification, 17 - right to erasure, 18 - right to restriction of processing, 20 - right to portability, 21 - right of opposition, 22 right of opposition to the automated decision-making process of the GDPR , the data subject exercises his rights by writing to the Data Controller at the above address, or by e-mail at, specifying the subject of his request, the right it intends to exercise and attaching photocopies of an identity document attesting the legitimacy of the request.
The Data Controller recalls in particular that each interested party can exercise the right of opposition in the forms and ways provided for by art. 21 GDPR.

Lodging of a complaint
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of your country of residence.

Automated decision-making processes
In no case does the Data Controller carry out processing that consists in automated decision-making processes on the data of natural persons.
Change your cookies preferences
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· Essential cookies:
· Analytic cookies of third parties with anonimous IP:
· Profiling cookies of third parties:
Active cookies settings:

· Essential cookies:
· Analytic cookies of third parties with anonimous IP:
· Profiling cookies of third parties:
Use of the cookies

This website uses profiling cookies, by third parties, to send you dedicated advertising messages and services in line with your preferencies. To learn more about these methods, including how to disable them, please click here. Your consent can be declared by cliking “accept all cookies” or selecting the single categories of cookies in the area “choise options”. By cliking only on “Only technical cookies” or on the “xX” top right, you will be able to surf the website by using only the necessary technical cookies. This website uses technical cookies to allow you a better use. To learn more, click here.
Essential cookies
Analytic cookies of third parties with anonimous IP
Profiling cookies of third parties
Cookie policy - v. 22.07.2024 The ID code of your consent is:
Only technical cookies
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